3 Signs the CKD Advice You’re Following Might Be Wrong
Not all CKD advice is created equal. Here are 3 signs it might be time to rethink what you’re following:
🚩 Red Flag #1: They’re selling you a product instead of providing real guidance. Be wary of advice that pushes products, gimmicks, false promises, or other “quick fixes” as the solution to CKD. These products often overpromise and underdeliver, putting your health at risk.
Here’s a great way to spot them: 💩Look for vague claims like “flush toxins,” “reverse kidney disease,” or “heal your kidneys naturally.” 💩Pay attention to websites that immediately lead you to buy supplements, teas, or plans without offering credible, actionable guidance. 💩Watch for sneaky upsells—when you click to buy, are you suddenly offered more products or higher-priced “exclusive packages, or deals”?
🚩 Red Flag #2: They’re giving you generic advice and/or recipes and expecting it to work for everyone.
💸One-size-fits-all plans or “kidney-friendly” lists might seem helpful, but they don’t account for YOUR unique needs, labs, or CKD stage. What works for someone else may not work for you.
🚩 Red Flag #3: They’re telling you to avoid certain foods—but those foods sneak into their own recipes.
🚽 If someone tells you to avoid certain foods but includes them in their recipes, it’s a sign that the advice might not be reliable—or safe. Clearly there are pieces of their puzzle missing and chances are high they never had those pieces in the first place.
These are all signs that the focus is on making money, not on truly helping you manage your CKD. They are everywhere, and they’re catching people off guard.
I know it’s tempting to believe there’s a magical cure. But here’s the truth: 👉there isn’t one👈
💎 The best CKD advice is personalized, actionable, and grounded in your individual needs. If you’re feeling unsure about the advice you’re following, it’s okay to ask questions and seek clarity.
Let’s take the guesswork out of CKD nutrition and get started today.💬 Have you encountered any of these red flags?