I completely understand how daunting it can be to start learning about eating for CKD. It's a big step, and you're not alone in feeling a bit overwhelmed. The good news is that with the right guidance, you can navigate this journey with confidence.
A crucial aspect of managing your CKD diet is knowing your personalized restriction numbers for nutrients like sodium, potassium, and phosphorus. Understanding these numbers helps you make safer food choices and keeps your kidney health on track. Staying within these limits is key to preventing further complications and ensuring you're getting the right nutrition.
Here’s your first step:
Step 1: Ask a renal dietitian for your restriction numbers. A renal dietitian is your go-to for medical-based decisions about your diet, including determining your specific restriction numbers. These are your maximum daily limits for nutrients like potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and protein. If you need help finding a renal dietitian, I have a link I can share to help you get connected.
You can search by location and choose in-person or telehealth—select 'Kidney Specialist' when searching.
Here’s a helpful link to find a renal dietitian.
Step 2: Once you have your numbers, a renal nutritionist (that’s me!👋) can help you create a personalized diet based on your restrictions, tailored to your unique needs and goals. We’ll break those numbers down to determine your safe maximum amounts per meal, and walk through exactly how to build your personalized CKD diet from the ground up.
Does that mean you have to wait to get started? Absolutely not!
Here’s the great thing: my CKD Nutrition Program provides temporary numbers to use as a safe starting point until you receive your personalized ones. This means you can begin making safer changes right now. Any change now is better than no change.
The goal is to get you feeling confident, informed, and in control of your kidney health.
A portion of all sales are donated to American Kidney Fund. Linda also donates to Puerto Rico Rise Up.
© How to Eat for CKD/CKD Culinary Consulting 2024 and beyond. All rights reserved.
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