Medical Disclaimer


By using this site, making a purchase, or enrolling in any program, you agree to the following terms:

No Medical Advice: The information provided by CKD Culinary Consulting, LLC is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical, legal, or professional advice. Always seek professional services when needed, particularly if you have existing health conditions.

Not a Substitute for Medical Care: CKD Culinary Consulting, LLC provides nutritional guidance specifically designed for kidney health. We are not a substitute for medical treatment or care. Please consult with your healthcare provider before making any significant dietary changes.

No Guarantees: No guarantees are made regarding health improvements or the slowing/halting of kidney disease. The information provided is based on general principles of renal nutrition and may not be suitable for every individual.

Accuracy of Information: While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information, CKD Culinary Consulting, LLC is not responsible for any inaccuracies, errors, or omissions. Nutritional needs can vary greatly from person to person, especially for those managing chronic kidney disease or other health conditions.

Supplements and Products: CKD Culinary Consulting, LLC does not recommend or endorse any specific dietary supplements or products for the treatment of kidney disease. Any supplementation decisions should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider.

Limitation of Liability: CKD Culinary Consulting, LLC assumes no responsibility for any misuse, misdirection, or situations arising from the use of the information provided. The results of following the CKD Nutritional Program can vary, and we make no claims about specific health outcomes.

Home Use Only: All information provided is intended for home use and is based on experiences. It may not be suitable for every individual or situation.

By using this site, purchasing, or enrolling in our program, you agree to these terms and acknowledge that you are fully responsible for your health decisions.

Linda donates to Puerto Rico Rise Up.

© How to Eat for CKD/CKD Culinary Consulting 2024 and beyond. All rights reserved.

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