
What people are saying...

This is the best information I have received for my kidney disease in the past 30 years.

"Your classes have been great and you explain everything very well. I have enjoyed attending the classes that I can, and watching the videos for those that I can’t. Your books are amazing with the wealth of information provided. I feel like I have a better understanding of what to eat based on my numbers. Thank you so much for all of the dedication, knowledge, and time you put into all of the products you have created. I also know that I can reach out if I have any specific questions. This is the best information I have received for my kidney disease in the past 30 years. If I had this back then I may not have had to get my kidney transplant yet. Now I just hope to keep my new kidney as long as possible! Again, thank you." - Wendy S.

My Doctor loved it.

"Showed this to my doctor and he LOVED IT.

This is the future of kidney diet management." - R.B.

I learned more here.

"I learned more in the first class here, than I did with an hour and a half with a dietician." - S.S.

I am learning so much.

"I am learning so much from the 6 week program. It sure makes eating less complicated. So Thankful for the opportunity to participate in this awesome program." - L.G.R.

It would've shattered our family. This has paused his progression!

"I bought the book because someone in my family has stage 4 kidney disease and has not been doing well. We were all scared he would end up on dialysis or die. That would shatter our family.

We thank the Lord that I bought it. He had his yearly doctor’s appointment, and he has not changed!

Everything has remained stable! I’m so happy I could burst!!

Your knowledge and know-how are amazing. So many things we didn’t have a clue about, and so much information that is easy to follow.

This has paused his progression. I can’t tell you what this means to us.

I am diabetic and the program has also helped me!

We couldn’t have done this without you. I am so thankful. You have made a difference in our lives. The program, and you have been a GOD SEND!!

Please if anyone is suffering from any type of kidney ailment, the program is ten times worth what she charges!!!" - F. S.

The book is my best friend lately!

"My husband is retired and I had to quit my job in order to take care of him. Our funds are limited and stretched to the max also. I have ordered book after book over the past few years. After much thought (and investigation) I order “The Complete CKD Diet Guide”. And several weeks later joined the class offered online. I’m so very happy I took the chance! I am feeling confident about the material that is offered!

Did I have the money to spare for any of the books….heck NO! But I did because it’s a small price in exchange to have my husband around for many, many years, and proper/ correct nutrition is the only option. The book and her group has helped me tremendously! I’ve been reading and studying my “novel” ha! (it's a big book). That book has been my best friend lately!" - Deb

My Doctor was SO Happy!

"My doctor was so happy today; I’ve never seen him that happy! I did what you told me when you told me to. I still can eat my favorite foods and my eGFR number went up, my blood pressure reading is getting better, my potassium and cholesterol are good, and my A1C went down to normal. When I changed my diet, everything went to normal, and my doctor was so happy. I am so happy! I told him I had some help and gave him your name. Thank you!" - D.J.

The goal was to stop the slide into Stage 4. Just got back some new blood work and he is almost at 3A. We are elated!

"I just wanted to let you know that I have read your book and have tried a few recipes in your cookbook to help us in our CKD journey. My husband's goal was to stop the slide into stage 4. Just got back some new blood work and all indicators are actually better. He is almost a 3A status. We are elated. We did this with your advise to track nutrients and eat to the max. And I am no longer tied to recipes. Some meals are better tasting than others but I am constantly improving. Thank you. Your advise and books have been a tremendous help." - Cheryl A.

I have to tell you my eGFR is now 32! This woman is really here to help!

"Everyone who is suffering from Kidney disease and do not know where to turn. Drs are not too helpful. Google can become stressful. All sites tell you different things. makes your head spin! Right!? Well, come check out her page, YouTube, and books. She is a Gem! I could not get through without her help. My eGFR was 18.
I may not be in her classes, but I purchased her books, learned from them, and followed her advice. I watched her YouTube videos and watched her classroom when I could. I have to tell you my eGFR is now 32!

This woman is really here to help! She doesn't just write books and sell them. She really cares and wants to help us Kidney Warriors. Thank you so much. Linda, you are the Best!" - Donna B.

You are the only one giving out the information kidney patients need.

"Thanks! You are the only one that is giving out the information that all Kidney patients are looking for. It does help very much." -D.N.

There's so much conflicting information out there, But if finally makes sense now.

“There is so much conflicting information from all these doctors. Thank you, thank you. You are helping our little family so much! To have someone who cares so much for others and takes the time to share her knowledge and experiences is #1 in my book. There’s so much here, and it finally makes so much sense. I will share your site with anyone that needs you, and I even told the kidney doctors about you.” - F. Romans

Thank You for putting together so much information in one location!

"Linda, Thank You so much for putting together so much information in one location for those of us dealing with the challenges of CKD. Your program is AMAZING!!! I love all the reference material available. I went to many sites before I came across yours, and nothing compares. I TRUST your information totally. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" - S.M.

Can't afford a dietician. This is better!

"I wanted to express my gratitude to you for the wonderful information you provided. This information is truly needed. My medical insurance would cover a dietician, but I have a 40% copay and that is not something I can afford over and over again! Thank you, thank you, and a million times thank you!!! Keep up your exceptional work." - Barb

I am learning so much with your book.

"I was so lost! But with your videos on YouTube and book I'm no longer stressed out or worried. Thank you so much!! Thanks to you I learned my numbers I learned to read labels I learned how to tweak ingredients that are best for me. All thanks to you. I have a new Nephrologist I see Monday. I'm feeling positive! I feel so much better. Thank-you Linda. I shall continue with my studying and learning from you and your book." - Donna

She uses her expertise as a Chef.

"I have had the pleasure of working with Linda as a contributor for the American Kidney Fund’s Kidney Kitchen.
She uses her expertise as a chef and her personal experience as a caregiver to create a collection of enjoyable, healthy, and kidney-friendly recipes.
Her recipes are creative and versatile, often including suggestions for ingredient substitutions to suit varying diets.
As a previous contributor to Kidney Kitchen, Linda was a valued partner!" - Rhea Suarez, MPH, CHES®

Linda's given me all I need to manage any situation.

"My kidney function has improved since my last appointment; however, I found I am pre-diabetic and mildly anemic. This program has taken on a whole new meaning. I have to make more changes and you are teaching me exactly how to do that. Thank you!" - wants to be anonymous

It all makes sense now.

"I know there is a lot of science involved with CKD, but even early on in the modules, it's starting to make more sense to me how important maintaining the various levels are in protecting the kidneys." - Sue

Collaborating with Linda has been one of the best things I have brought into my practice.

"As a registered dietitian collaborating with experts like Linda to develop recipes and support my clients with food skills has been one of the best things I have brought into my practice.
I have worked with Linda to do cooking demonstrations and live teachings with my clients, and she is a pleasure to work with.
Linda is extremely knowledgeable and approachable.
Her passion for kidney health shines in her delicious foods and recommendations." - Emily Campbell, Dietician

She always has time for me.

"Linda is very special, as when I have questions, she always has time to send me an email or instant message. I have several health issues and she understands what I'm going through. I feel very blessed." - Sandy

Medical advice isn’t geared to help us, but Linda can.

"Mrs. Linda you are truly an Angel, helping people that are in dire need of direction, and how to find their way to deal with this condition. I just say thank you again because some of the medical advice seems it is not geared to help." - N.P.

I Cherish the Books.

"Linda, I Love the way you write! You are so animated, and you write like you speak! I Love it. I have to have every book you write. I cherish the how to eat for CKD books!!" - Fran R.

Real Deal.

"You are an angel for doing what you do. You're the Real Deal. Thank you!" - Neal

She is one of the BEST!

"Make the time. This young lady has a passion. Self-taught and educationally trained, she is one of the BEST!!! Allow her to teach you how to add life back to your kidneys. It worked for my husband, and I promise you can’t not afford to do without her. You will get so much from her, and she has a sunshiny personality and the needed knowledge. Let her share it!!! Thank you, Ms. Linda!!" - Fredia

Linda really cares.

"I followed the way Linda said to about what to eat for my restrictions and my kidneys improved, I really do think her way helped." - Tammy E.

It's really helped me.

"Your book has really helped when meal planning. Understanding how to calculate percentages is especially helpful when adapting your favorite recipes you have enjoyed for years." - C.D.

Keeping it in hand

"Very precise and informative! I don’t want to put it down." - D.C.K.

A portion of all sales are donated to American Kidney Fund. Linda also donates to Puerto Rico Rise Up.

© How to Eat for CKD/CKD Culinary Consulting 2024 and beyond. All rights reserved.

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