Kidney Diet Method

Did you know?

June 15, 20241 min read

By now you may have realized that there is more to this kidney diet than just food lists and online recipes, right?

You may now be dealing with other foods like condiments, alternative flours and sugars, maybe nondairy or vegan products, or maybe you haven't even given a thought to the nutritional value of those spices and herbs, or that baking soda or powder in your baked goods, but you need to!

  • Did you know, baking soda = salt and baking powder = phosphorus?

  • Did you know, there is nutritional value in yeast?

  • Did you know that almond flour is not the best alternative flour to use?

  • Did you know that meats naturally contain high levels of natural salt, potassium, and phosphorus?

  • Did you know, nearly every ingredient on the planet contains potassium?

Every single thing that can comprise a recipe contains nutrients. Everything!

There are so many more foods out there than the common foods listed on those sheets you found online. You need to know about as many ingredients as possible.

Are you aware that how you cook a food (or not) changes the nutritional value? Yep, some foods, like celery and onions, increase their nutrients when cooked, others decrease. You know what that means? It means you must use less of some foods if you cook them. Some you can use a bit more!

Here's another interesting fact: Did you know that most people with kidney disease actually die from a different health issue that stems from having CKD? The most common being cardiovascular (heart) issues.

If you're ready to have the most comprehensive information, I've got that for you.

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How to Eat for CKD

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A portion of all sales are donated to American Kidney Fund. Linda also donates to Puerto Rico Rise Up.

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