It’s not that you lack discipline— It’s that you’ve been set up to fail.
Sticking to a diet feels difficult for three main reasons:
You’re told to avoid the foods you love, which naturally makes you crave them even more.
You believe you can’t have them, so you might end up eating them more often and in larger amounts than you should.
No one has taught you how to safely include them in your diet so you can enjoy them and still stick to your kidney diet.
The truth is that you’ve been fed conflicting information, and much of it is rooted in the belief that you can’t manage your diet or that your kidneys can’t handle certain foods. And let’s be honest, sometimes the advice being handed out is just plain bad!
Guess what…every site or advice you read will pick and choose what they think is “safe” enough for your kidneys. You see it all the time. One site says it is okay, another site says it isn’t. Who do you trust?
Neither. Because they clearly aren’t giving you the information you NEED. Just lists.
Here's the deal— it’s not as simple as a one-page blog post telling you how to fit those foods into your CKD diet. It’s a process that needs to be taught, step by step.
It's easier for them to say, “Don’t eat that,” than to show you how to actually incorporate it safely into your diet.
Can you have those foods they’ve told you not to? Yes, you can.
Do you need to go vegan to manage your kidney health? NO. Only if you choose to—it’s not the only answer.
The real issue isn't you, it’s the system. The information you're given lacks the personalization you need to actually manage your diet safely.
That’s right, it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach.
What works for one person often doesn’t work for you. That’s where my CKD Nutrition program comes in. It’s about showing you how to balance your diet and incorporate foods you enjoy, all while keeping your kidney health the top priority.
You can enjoy your favorite meals again. And you don’t have to settle for bad advice or be told what you can and can’t eat. You deserve a system that helps you manage your CKD in a way that works for you. In less than six weeks, we’ll show you how.
A portion of all sales are donated to American Kidney Fund. Linda also donates to Puerto Rico Rise Up.
© How to Eat for CKD/CKD Culinary Consulting 2024 and beyond. All rights reserved.
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